• Six things I allowed myself to feel after my son was diagnosed

    Six things I allowed myself to feel after my son was diagnosed

    A child’s autism diagnosis affects every member of the family in different ways. Facing the diagnosis is the first step for overcoming.

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  • Reinforcers, motivating your child’s learning.

    To make it easier, reinforcers are those things ( tangibles, edibles or actions) that will keep up our child’s motivation during the learning process. Reinforcers are the most valuable tool that therapists, teachers and parents have when teaching our children. Chocolate, ice cream, tickles, money, playing with the dog, getting high fives… the list is just, as rich as individuals preferences and interests are.

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  • Reforzadores… ¿Por qué es importante aprender sobre ellos?

    Reforzadores… ¿Por qué es importante aprender sobre ellos?

    Cuando queremos lograr un objetivo, por pequeño que sea, por ejemplo, reducir el azúcar en nuestra dieta, normalmente nos trazamos el camino: solo dos cucharaditas de azúcar al día, por un mes, luego solo una, y también pensamos en cómo nos premiaremos de acuerdo a nuestros gustos. Mientras más atractivo sea el premio, por ejemplo

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  • ABA, a parent’s guide.

    ABA, a parent’s guide.

    This tool kit is an informational guide to Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA). It is designed to provide you with a better understanding of ABA, how your child can benefit, and where/how you can seek ABA services. Download the pdf and contact us if you have questions. We are here to help! 

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